One of the most inexpensive ways to overhaul your home’s exterior, create a brand new look, and recoup your initial investment in resale value is to replace your siding. Remodeling Magazine ranked fiber cement siding as the best value home improvement option for five years in a row!
On average, you can anticipate a 78% resale value recoup from your siding replacement job. Although the cost of your siding installation will vary, overall, you can anticipate costs around $10,000 for the average residing job. With a licensed and respected contractor on your side, a siding replacement job is a simple and effective way to invest in your home’s resale value.
James Hardie siding is the number one siding in America. More people researching new siding will end up buying James Hardie siding than any other brand of siding in North America. One of the most common questions we get is “how much it will cost to re-side my home with James Hardie siding.”
What Affects the Cost of a Siding Job?
The area that you live in will affect the price of James Hardie siding being installed on your house. This is similar to home values; in areas where home values are higher, it is typically more expensive to install James Hardie. Every market is different and the market that you are in will affect the price of your James Hardie project.
Did you know that the season you choose to reside your home in will affect the cost of your installation? When you install during peak siding season in the spring and summer when contractors are busiest, you may be running up costs you could save by having your installation done in the fall or winter.
Size and Waste
Another important factor is the size and waste of the project. All homes are different in size, shape, and have varying needs when it comes to what areas of the home need to be replaced. The larger the size of the home, the more siding it will take to complete the project. Also, houses with more gables or uncommonly-shaped areas will have more waste when being replaced. Waste is factored on a house to house basis and a house with more areas of high waste will cause the price to be slightly higher.
Tear Off or Removal
When deciding on a siding replacement project, choosing whether or not to tear off your old siding is an important decision. Sometimes it is possible to leave the old siding depending on style, condition, and budget. When possible, it is recommended to remove and replace the existing siding, helping to guarantee that the old siding does not cause problems with the lifespan of your new siding.

By removing the existing siding, it allows your contractor to see the decking under the siding as well as the studs and structure. Any rotten or moldy material can be identified and replaced, allowing for your new siding to look great and perform well for years to come.
Decking is an important piece to be considered when replacing your existing siding with new James Hardie siding. James Hardie recommends a solid substrate or decking system when installing their siding. It will help prevent warping and curving of the siding when installed on top of existing insulation decking. When James Hardie siding is installed on top of foam insulation board, it can cause warping and curves during the new application. Replacing the decking with new solid decking like 7/16” OSB will help ensure that the decking does not compress, preventing it from looking like the siding is warped.
House Wrap
House wrap, or moisture barrier, can affect not only the price of a project but also the quality of the project. By using James Hardie house wrap, you can make sure you are getting a moisture barrier that will last for the duration of the life of the siding.
ColorPlus vs Primed
When considering replacing your siding with James Hardie siding it is important to know there are two options: ColorPlus or primed James Hardie siding. The cost of installing primed siding and then painting it varies due to a couple of factors, like the quality of paint. When choosing ColorPlus pre-finished James Hardie siding, you know that the finish will last a minimum of 15 years and is a much more durable and consistent finish than a field-applied paint.

When factoring the cost of a James Hardie siding project, the price will vary due to the different sizes and amounts of trim. Some contractors will cut corners by using a wood composite or off-brand trim, but James Hardie offers trim that is the same material and finish as the rest of their siding products. The next area in which some contractors might cut corners is when choosing sizes and amounts of trim used on a project. While it might be possible to go with a smaller trim in certain areas to try to keep your cost down, this is something you should discuss with your contractor early on in the design phase when planning your project.
Last but not least are workmanship warranties. A lot of contractors offer 1, 2, and 5-year warranties as well. Typically siding does not have issues until years 5-10 after install, so quality contractors will offer you a lifetime workmanship warranty.

By offering this warranty, the homeowner is covered for the life of the products being installed. Unless there is a product failure, the products being installed correctly should last for the life of the product without issues.
Trust UHQ Construction for Your Siding Installation
When you’re ready to go with unrushed, honest quality you can trust, go with Indianapolis’s favorite siding contractor – UHQ Construction. Call us today to find out how much James Hardie cost for your home. You can reach us at (317) 953-4969 or contact us through our website. We’d love to hear from you.